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Prijzen: The rock slide

7 aanbiedingen The rock slide, vergelijk de aanbiedingen van vandaag .

  • Offer of 07-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] This is the slide that started the Rock Slide revolution in 1999. Features include a tapered interior, finger rest, knuckle cutaway & a highly polished finish. Specifically designed to improve the way you slide and sustain!...
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  • Offer of 07-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The Rock Slide TRS-DISP5...
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  • Offer of 07-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The revolution continues with the Balltip Rock Slide(R). This slide features everything you've come to expect from a Rock Slide(R), the cutaway, tapered interior, excellent weight and comfort, but now in a lap/pedal steel inspired ball tip. Balltip Rock Slides(R) have two notable features when c...
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  • Offer of 07-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] These resemble something from an 1800's ship wreck, specifically designed for players who prefer the vintage look. Features include a tapered interior, finger rest, knuckle cutaway & an aged finish that is super smooth on the strings....
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  • Offer of 07-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The Moulded Glass Rock Slide is nothing short of cutting edge in the slide world. Many said it couldn't be done, but these slides feature everything you love about your Rock Slide like the tapered interior, finger rest & knuckle cutaway all in a flawless glass finish. They ALL feature a 4mm thic...
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  • Offer of 07-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] This is the slide that started the Rock Slide revolution in 1999. Features include a tapered interior, finger rest, knuckle cutaway & a highly polished finish. Specifically designed to improve the way you slide and sustain!...
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  • Offer of 07-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] This is the slide that started the Rock Slide revolution in 1999. Features include a tapered interior, finger rest, knuckle cutaway & a highly polished finish. Specifically designed to improve the way you slide and sustain!...
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The Rock Slide

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