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Prijzen: Vic firth

7 aanbiedingen Vic firth, vergelijk de aanbiedingen van vandaag .

  • Offer of 06-06-2024


    - Dekrijgermuziek -

    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] For durability and the brightest cymbal sounds, nylon tips are the answer. The American Classic(R) nylon tip models mirror their wood tip counterparts, so drummers can switch from the richness of a wood tip to the brilliance of nylon without sacrificing feel and balance. And with Vic Firth's new...
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  • Offer of 06-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The American Classic(R) line combines tradition and Vic Firth style. With bold designs for fuller sound, the Classics are turned from select hickory - a dense wood with little flex for a more pronounced sound. Hickory is also capable of withstanding a great deal of shock, making it highly durabl...
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  • Offer of 06-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The American Classic(R) line combines tradition and Vic Firth style. With bold designs for fuller sound, the Classics are turned from select hickory - a dense wood with little flex for a more pronounced sound. Hickory is also capable of withstanding a great deal of shock, making it highly durabl...
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  • Offer of 06-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The American Classic(R) line combines tradition and Vic Firth style. With bold designs for fuller sound, the Classics are turned from select hickory - a dense wood with little flex for a more pronounced sound. Hickory is also capable of withstanding a great deal of shock, making it highly durabl...
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  • Offer of 06-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] Barrel tip for a great recording sound....
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  • Offer of 06-06-2024


    - Dekrijgermuziek -

    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] For durability and the brightest cymbal sounds, nylon tips are the answer. The American Classic(R) nylon tip models mirror their wood tip counterparts, so drummers can switch from the richness of a wood tip to the brilliance of nylon without sacrificing feel and balance. And with Vic Firth's new...
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  • Offer of 06-06-2024
    - Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The American Classic(R) line combines tradition and Vic Firth style. With bold designs for fuller sound, the Classics are turned from select hickory - a dense wood with little flex for a more pronounced sound. Hickory is also capable of withstanding a great deal of shock, making it highly durabl...
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Vic Firth

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