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Prijzen Dekrijgermuziek Jargar Jce Dsp Rd Cellosnaar D

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  • Updated: 15-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The Superior set sound warm, round and powerful from the first second after winding up the strings. They are very well balanced and rich in overtones. They support full forte and deep piano colors and they are very projecting and responsive. Superior strings are perfect for chamber music, orches...
  • Updated: 15-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The Superior A and D strings sound warm, round and powerful from the first second after winding up the strings. They are very well balanced and rich in overtones. They both support full forte and deep piano colors and they are very projecting and responsive. Superior strings are perfect for cham...
  • Updated: 15-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The Superior A and D strings sound warm, round and powerful from the first second after winding up the strings. They are very well balanced and rich in overtones. They both support full forte and deep piano colors and they are very projecting and responsive. Superior strings are perfect for cham...
  • Updated: 15-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The Superior set sound warm, round and powerful from the first second after winding up the strings. They are very well balanced and rich in overtones. They support full forte and deep piano colors and they are very projecting and responsive. Superior strings are perfect for chamber music, orches...
  • Updated: 15-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The Superior set sound warm, round and powerful from the first second after winding up the strings. They are very well balanced and rich in overtones. They support full forte and deep piano colors and they are very projecting and responsive. Superior strings are perfect for chamber music, orches...
  • Updated: 15-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] By combining the techniques used for all our cello strings we have managed to create a new line of fractional strings - Young talent. The strings produce as our full size strings a warm, brilliant and powerful tone and they are easy to play on. These qualities make them the perfect choice both f...
  • Updated: 15-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The Classic string is made of a flexible steel core which gives it the warm and brilliant Jargar sound. They are the result of nearly 60 years tradition of hand made cello strings developed by a cellist to cellists. The Classic strings produce a warm and powerful tone. Their playability, sound q...
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