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Prijzen Dekrijgermuziek Bella L 20pl Snarenset Elektrisch Snarenset

Aanbiedingen gevonden voor Dekrijgermuziek Bella L 20pl Snarenset .

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  • Updated: 01-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The 427 Pacesetter Elite(R) set contains clear nylon trebles and basses are silver-plated copper wound on a nylon filament core. The prototype for the first nylon classic guitar strings, this fifty year old set design has been the standard and most versatile string construction since nylon strin...
  • Updated: 01-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The 900 Golden Superior(R) set contains gold nylon trebles and polished Golden Alloy wound basses. Especially designed for the concert performer, the smooth surface on the basses allows the player to shift positions without any noise or squeak. Highly polished, these basses are recommended for b...
  • Updated: 01-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] Developed in the 1970s, the Professional Series(R) product line were the first classical guitar and lute sets to be offered in a wide variety of gauges. They have been acclaimed by concert guitarists, lutenists and prominent teachers and even used by such great luthiers as Del Pilar, Rubio, Papa...
  • Updated: 01-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The 2001 Hard Tension strings are designed to meet the needs of contemporary guitarists and luthiers. These high tension strings provide a superior strength and clarity of sound- a requirement for performing modern technique on today's concert guitars.The 2001 Series(R) Classical Guitar Strings ...
  • Updated: 01-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The 427 Pacesetter Elite set contains clear nylon trebles and basses are silver-plated copper wound on a nylon filament core. The prototype for the first nylon classic guitar strings, this fifty year old set has been the standard and most versatile string construction since nylon strings were de...
  • Updated: 01-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] 6-string setstring gauges: black nylon .029, .0335, .041 silver-plated .0285, .035, .0415.Tuning: A2, D3, G3, C3, E4, A4 or A2, D3, G3, B3, E4, A4...
  • Updated: 01-06-2024
    Brand: Dekrijgermuziek - - Shipping price: 0.00 - [] The 427 Pacesetter Elite set contains clear nylon trebles and basses are silver-plated copper wound on a nylon filament core. The prototype for the first nylon classic guitar strings, this fifty year old set has been the standard and most versatile string construction since nylon strings were de...
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dekrijgermuziek bella l 20pl snarenset

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